Kincorth Community Centre, Provost Watt Dr, Kincorth, Aberdeen AB12 5NA on Saturday 2 March, from 0930-1300.
At least one BHPA qualified Emergency Parachute System repacker will attend, as well as potentially a number of trainees. They are all there to help you repack your own reserve, not to do it for you.
Costs: £5 for AHPC members; £10 for everyone else.
Registration: please fill out the form below. Including details of your reserve and harness helps the EPS packers prepare for the wide variety of equipment they may face.
What to bring:
Your reserve and harness.
Your reserve parachute manual.
Ideally some elastic bands for repacking the reserve lines, but there should be some available.
Julian Robinson broke the UK out and return record on Saturday, 4th June with a distance 158.7km, also jointly taking the declared out and return record with Mike Cavanagh at 135km.
The flight started at Creag Meagaidh and was flown mostly in the Spey Valley.
Many pilots had great flights (see: XCLeague and XContest) on the day, with remarkably high climbs over 2600m, and flights approaching 8 hours in duration. Another AHPC pilot, Andrew Fowlie flew his first 100km+ flight, also from Creag Meagaidh flying a 124km flat triangle.
Two new areas of airspace have been created in Deeside, affecting Balmoral and Birkhall Royal residences.
The Birkhall restricted zone became permanently active on 1st December 2019. No aircraft may fly below 3500ft amsl within the area bounded by a circle having a radius of 1 nautical mile, whose centre is 570144N 0030427W.
The Balmoral temporary restricted zone will come in to effect for two periods each year described below. When active, no aircraft may fly below 3500ft amsl within the area bounded by a circle having a radius of 1 nautical mile, whose centre is 570227N 0031349W..
0001 hours on 16th May and ending at 2359 hours on 2nd June
0001 hours on 10th July and ending at 2359 hours on 31st October
Full details are available in the Statutory Instruments, linked at the end of this article.
Deeside Gliding Club have gained permission from Police Scotland Royalty and VIP Planning (North) for their gliders to cross both regions of airspace, but on the condition that aircraft have a minimum 30:1 glide angle, and remain at least 500ft above ground level.
AHPC are investigating whether any concessions for paragliders and hang-gliders can be secured, however until further notice, we are bound by the full effects of both of the restricted areas.