Competition Rules

The competitions are open only to AHPC members.

To be eligible

  1. flights should be submitted to the national XC League, or
  2. a GPS log for the flight should be e-mailed to the newsletter editor, or
  3. details of the flight (pilot’s name, date of flight, take-off point, landing point, distance flown) should be e-mailed or communicated to the newsletter editor or competition organiser.

Flights which infringe controlled airspace will not be accepted for any trophy. The term “club site” encompasses any launch in Scotland NE of a line drawn from Montrose to Pitlochry to Lossiemouth.


This trophy is awarded annually at the AGM for the longest distance flown from an Aberdeen club site on a Hang Glider (in a single flight) since the previous AGM. The trophy is an engraved tankard which must be returned at the following year’s AGM. In addition to open distance flights, out and return or FAI triangle flights will be accepted. Out and return flights score double the total distance, and triangles triple the total distance, if done mostly out of ridge lift. Minimum distance requirement for open distance flights is 10 km. Minimum distance requirements for out and return or triangle flights will be as per current national HGXC league rules.


This trophy is awarded annually at the AGM for the longest distance flown from an Aberdeen club site on a Paraglider (in a single flight) since the previous AGM. The trophy is an engraved tankard which must be returned at the following year’s AGM. In addition to open distance flights, out and return or FAI triangle flights will be accepted. Out and return flights score double the total distance, and triangles triple the total distance, if done mostly out of ridge lift. Minimum distance requirement for open distance flights is 5 km. Minimum distance requirements for out and return or triangle flights will be as per current national paragliding XC League rules.


This trophy is awarded at the AGM to whoever has done the greatest number of XC flights from Aberdeen club sites since the previous AGM. All open distance flights entered for this trophy must meet a minimum distance requirement of 10 km for hang gliders and 5 km for paragliders. Minimum distances for out and return or triangle flights will be as per current national paragliding XCLeague rules. Each successful, i.e. completed, out and return flight counts as two flights and each successful FAI triangle counts as three flights. Failed out and return or triangle flights can count as a single flight towards your total if the total distance flown “on course” is at least 10 km. The trophy consists of a bottle of whisky and an engraved tankard. The tankard must be returned at the following years AGM, but you can drink the whisky.


This league runs from AGM to AGM and is designed to allow all club members to compete by applying a handicap to account for the type of wing flown. All open distance flights entered for this trophy must meet a minimum distance requirement of 10 km for hang gliders and 5 km for paragliders. Minimum distances for out and return or triangle flights will be as per current national XC League rules. The total distance (including out and return or triangle multipliers) of each pilot’s qualifying flights are multiplied by the following factors:
Paraglider EN A/B/C 1/8
Paraglider EN D or Open Class 1/10
Skyfloater Hang Glider 1/10
Kingposted Hang Glider 1/12
Topless Hang Glider 1/15
Class-5 Hand Glider 1/18

The pilot with the highest points total wins the George Watt trophy which must be returned at the following year’s AGM.


A one day event held in the spring. The task is set on the day and is usually an XC task of some sort. The trophy is an engraved tankard which is awarded on the day and must be returned for the competition the following year.


A one day event held in autumn. The task is set on the day and is usually designed to allow pilots of all levels of experience to have a chance of winning. The trophy is an engraved tankard which is awarded on the day and must be returned for the competition the following year.


This competition runs from the beginning of November to the end of February and is awarded to the AHPC member who makes the biggest height gain from a club site during this period. The trophy consists of a pair of extra-large Y-fronts in an old whisky bottle (for those embarrassing moments when your bottle fails and you need some clean underwear). It must be returned for the competition the following year.


This trophy is awarded annually at the AGM, by majority vote, to the pilot who has had the most spectacular, expensive, or downright stupid crash (that didn’t result in injury) since the last AGM.

These competition rules were approved at an AHPC AGM held on 6th December 2014.