

Met Office Surface Pressure Charts

RASP – On mobile devices in particular you may find it easier to use the basic version

Windy – Handy shortcuts: 900m wind, RADAR, Satellite

XCWeather – Summary forecasts

MeteoBlue – Summary forecasts, meteograms, live satellite imagery

Mountain Weather Information Service – Simple text forecast. Try the text-only version if you have weak or limited internet


Lazy RASP – Quick overview of week ahead

XCPara Weather – Another RASP wrapper, slightly easier to use on mobile.

RASP Blipmap (Skew-T) forecasts – Generate a RASP Tephigram forecast for any of the BGA turnpoints.


SkySight – [Subscription only] Feature-rich forecasting and XC planning system.

Route Planning & Airspace

NOTAM Info – UK NOTAMs and airspace map

CANP – Civil Aviation Notification Procedure. Used to create NOTAMs for flying at known UK sites.

FlyXc – XC planning, including SkyWays heatmap layer. (Similar to XCPlanner)

Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange Airspace – Airspace to download Airspace – Airspace map

XContest – Global flight database with powerful search ability. View latest Scottish Flights for example.

Scottish XCLeague – Scottish part of a UK flight database

Hilltop Analytics Wingman – Visually browse the UK XCLeague flight archive.

Hilltop Analytics XC Flight Browser – Older, slower way of visually browsing the XCLeague flight archive.

XCLeague Browser – Browse XCLeague flight archive by date, pilot, and score.


Bing Ordnance Survey Maps  – Free, high resolution/small scale. (Only accessible on a UK internet connection, may only work on computers)

WalkHighlands Maps – Free OS maps. Free registration to access smaller scale.

ViewRanger – One of the best mapping apps for Apple and Android. Offline access to OS maps, route planning and recording.

Site Databases

CANP Site Map – UK Sites, as supplied by clubs, so probably more reliable than other global databases.

Paragliding Earth

Paragliding Map


XCFind Scotland – The primary tool for tracking Scottish pilots with SPOT or Garmin satellite trackers.

XCRT – Similar to XCFind with more features. Can show SPOT, Garmin and LiveTrack24. More popular in England.

XContest Live Tracking – Real-time tracking of pilots using the beta version of XCTrack app.

Flymaster Live Tracking – Real-time tracking, commonly used in competitions

Clubs, Schools and Organisations

British Hang-gliding and Paragliding Association (BHPA)

Scottish Hang-gliding and Paragliding Federation (SHPF)

Highland Hang-gliding and Paragliding Club – they have a useful links page too!

Lanarkshire and Lothian Soaring Club (LLSC)